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​​​​​We in the Division of Human Resources are here to provide the Property Valuation Administrators with fiscal, personnel, payroll, training, and other essential administrative support services throughout the year.

The HR Processing Branch is responsible for ensuring applicants meet minimum qualifications, processing personnel actions, payroll processing, assist and ensure time is recorded properly and submitted and approved within established deadlines. We provide guidance to PVAs regarding personnel actions and other personnel/payroll matters.

The Employee Relations Branch is responsible for new employee orientation and employee benefits to include: insurance, FMLA, sick leave sharing, outside employment, Insurance (health, life, dental, vision), workers comp, etc.   ​​​​​​​

Tech Support

Please contact the PVA Support section for all your technical needs:​​

​Property Valuation Administrator Office Closing Recommendations

Upon closing a PVA office, please complete the PVA Office Closing Form and it submit it to the Division of Human Resources.

Confidentiality of Personal Information

In a mandatory effort to adhere to State Personnel and Kentucky Public Pension Authority (KPPA) requirements to protect the confidentiality of our state employees (PVAs and Deputies). Please do not email confidential information about yourself or anyone else, including full name, date of birth, address, Social Security number, KRS ID or Pin#, driver's license number, health, medical, financial, or personnel information unless you are sending it as encrypted message through a secure email portal and the receiver has encrypted email also.

Encryption: When submitting an email that needs to be encrypted there are two formats. You can type "#rmsencrypt" in the subject line if you are using your email ​and emailing a email. If you are emailing to an outside email you can use "#encrypt" in the subject line. 

Address Changes

If you have had a change of address, it is very important to update KHRIS with your new address as soon as possible. This can easily be done through the Employee Self Service Portal.

Employer Provided Vehicles​

Workshop Materials
Responsibilities for Employer Provided Vehicles
Example of Vehicle Log
Taxable Fringe Benefits and 1099 Reporting - Frequently Asked Questions​

Formula for Deputy Allocation (FAD)

FAD Explanation Memo
FAD Spreadsheet​
FAD Budget Reduction Memo​

PVA Compensatory and Overtime

COMPENSATORY TIME FOR SEPARATION OF EMPLOYMENT: No deputy should be allowed to accumulate any comp-time. The PVA office will be billed for any deputy leaving the PVA office with a comp-time balance. If any deputy has an existing comp-time balance, please start to decrease those hours. Effective July 1, 2001, per updated March 2005, PVA Fiscal and Personnel Manual Chapter III, Section II, Part C., there should be no accumulation of compensatory and/or overtime without prior approval from the Division of Human Resource. Any employee ALLOWED TO WORK over 40 hours from Sunday to Saturday will be in overtime status FOR THAT WEEK. Therefore, when any employee works more than 40 hours per week, (not a pay period) they are entitled to receive overtime pay. ALL OVERTIME PAY PLUS FICA WILL BE BILLED BACK TO THE COUNTY AND PAYMENT DUE UPON RECEIPT. For example, if an employee works an additional 4 hours on a Saturday and they have not taken any time off that week, the employee will earn 2.5 hours of comp time and 1.5 hours overtime. Deputies cannot use comp-time (CU) before they actually earn comp-time (CE), unless they already have a comp-time balance equal and/or greater to CU.

HIPPA Violations and Regulations

All medical certifications, Family Medical Leave and Sick Leave Sharing applications and donations must be sent to the Division of Human Resource. It seems some timekeepers are under the impression that they need to keep a copy of these health information documents in their files or in the files of supervisors or PVAs. HIPPA laws prohibit that. The employee may keep copies but all others must be sent to us. This does not include doctors’ excuses for absences that are given to supervisors or PVAs.​


Surplus Property

Surplus Form

Contact the Operations and Support Services Branch at (502) 564-5350 with any surplus issues.

The current state employee travel rates and forms are available online at State Employee Travel.

Looking for additional forms? Visit PVA Admin Forms or PVA Forms pages.

Contact Information​​

​​​Physical Address:
200 Mero Street, 5th Floor NW
Frankfort, KY 40622
(502) 564-2613 - Fax​

200 Mero Street, 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40622

Adair to Grant County

Graves to McLean County (excluding Jefferson)

Madison​ to Woodford County (including Jefferson County)

​Employee Relations Branch

Cyndi Abrams

Human Resource Administrator
(Payroll & Personnel)
Phone: (502) 564-6937​

Deborah Beasley

Human Resource Administrator
(Payroll & Personnel)
Phone: (502)-564-0222​

​Latrese Bellamy

Human Resource Administrator
(Payroll & Personnel)
Phone: (502) 564-6938

Elizabeth Cunningham

Phone: (502) 564-0780
Teresa Hall
Phone: (502) 564-4319

​​​Dale Clemons, Division Director​
(502) 564-0408

Teresa Miner, Assistant ​Director

(502) 229-7742​

The Kentucky Department of Revenue conducts work
under the authority of the Finance and Administration Cabinet.

Kentucky State Seal

© 2020 Commonwealth of Kentucky. All rights reserved.