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From February 26 to March 14, there will be a pause in some operations as the Kentucky Department of Revenue transitions to a new system. Please anticipate at least a two-week delay in processing during this transition.


Refund Processing Times

Electronically Filed Returns:        4-6 weeks
Paper Returns:                           10-14 weeks
​Amended/Prior Year Returns:  20-24 weeks​

You can check the status of your Kentucky current year refund at Where's My Refund?

Please note, the Department of Revenue does not have access to information regarding federal refunds issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Inquiries about federal refunds should b​e directed to the IRS at ​

​​Individual Income Tax is due on all income earned by Kentucky residents and all income earned by nonresidents from Kentucky sources.

Kentucky's individual income tax law is based on the Internal Revenue Code in effect as of December 31, 2023. The tax rate is four (4) percent and allows itemized deductions and certain income reducing deductions as defined in KRS 141.019​. A full-year resident of Kentucky files Form 740 and a person who moves into or out of Kentucky during the year or is a full-year nonresident files Form 740-NP.

Individual income tax laws are found in Chapter 141 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes.​​

New Filing Option - Free Fillable Forms

Kentucky is now offering a new way to file your return. If you would like to fill out your Kentucky forms and schedules without software help or assistance, you may use KY File, the New Kentucky Filing Portal, to file your current year return. KY File is designed to be the simple, electronic equivalent of paper forms. It will provide basic mathematical calculations and simple error checking, but unlike most tax software, it doesn't ask about or explain tax situations. You will need to have your federal forms completed before accessing KY File. Click here to learn more about your free filing options.

Unemployment Benefits Fully Taxable on Kentucky Return

Learn more

COVID-19 Tax Relief Frequently Asked Questions

For additional information, please visit our COVID-19 Tax Information page.

Schedule P, Kentucky Pension Income Exclusion

For all individuals who are retired from the federal government, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, or a Kentucky local government with service performed prior to January 1, 1998, you may be able to exclude more than $31,110*.  If your pension income is greater than $31,110, you will need to complete Kentucky Schedule P, Kentucky Pension Income Exclusion to determine how much of your pension income is taxable.  You may use the worksheet in the Schedule P instructions or you may use the Schedule P calculator to determine your exempt percentage.

*($41,110 for taxable year 2017 and earlier)

Pay Income Tax

To File a Return

Pay a 740 or 740-NP

     Kentucky Department of Revenue
     Frankfort, KY 40619-0008

Refund or No Payment 740 or 740-NP
     Kentucky Department of Revenue
     Frankfort, KY 40618-0006

     Kentucky Department of Revenue
     Frankfort, KY 40620-0012

Overnight Address
     Kentucky Department of Revenue
     501 High Street
     Frankfort, KY  40601

To Pay a Bill, Make an Estimated Payment or Pay an Electronic Payment Voucher

Electronic payment: Choose to pay directly from your bank account or by credit card.  Service provider fees may apply.

If paying by check or money order, make it payable to "KY State Treasurer" and mail to
     KY Department of Revenue
     Frankfort, KY  40619-0008

All tax payment and e-file options

Common Kentucky Individual Income Tax Credits

There are four common nonrefundable individual income tax credits available for taxpayers when the tax return is filed.


​Personal Credits

Personal tax credits are reported on Schedule ITC and submitted with Form 740 or 740-NP.

A $40 tax credit is allowed for each individual reported on the return who is age 65 or over. Also, a $40 tax credit is allowed if an individual is legally blind. Persons who are both age 65 or older and legally blind are eligible for both tax credits for a total of $80 per person.

M​embers of the Kentucky National Guard may claim a tax credit of $20; military reserve members are not eligible.

KRS 141.020

​Nonrefundable Family Size Tax Credit

The family size tax credit is based on modified gross income and the size of the family. If total modified gross income is $41,496 or less for 2024​, you may qualify for the Kentucky family size tax credit.

KRS 141.066

​Education Tuition Tax Credit

A credit equal to 25 percent of the amount of the federal American Opportunity Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit is available. The credit applies only to undergraduate studies, phases out for higher incomes, applies to most higher education opportunities within Kentucky and may be carried forward for up to five (5) years.

KRS 141.069

​Child and Dependent Care Credit

Kentucky taxpayers claiming the child and dependent care credit will claim this credit on Form 740 or 740-NP. The credit is claimed on line 24 of Form 740 or Form 740-NP by entering the amount of the federal credit from federal Form 2441 and multiplying by 20 percent.

KRS 141.067

To learn more about the credits available on the federal income tax return, including the earned income tax credit (EITC), please visit

FORM 1099-G

If you received a Kentucky income tax refund last year, we’re required by federal law to send Form 1099-G to you to remind you that the state refund must be reported as income on your federal tax return if you itemize deductions.

When you itemize deductions on your federal return you are allowed to deduct state income taxes or sales taxes that you paid during the year. This deduction reduces your federal taxable income. If any part of the state income tax you deducted on your federal return is later refunded to you that amount must be reported as taxable income for the year in which the refund is issued.

Form 1099-G reflects all Kentucky refunds that were credited to you for last year, including refunds from amended returns and prior year returns. The form will include any or all of your refund that was applied to the following:

  • estimated tax account
  • use tax
  • child support debt
  • delinquent tax liability or another bill

Even if your refund was applied to offset a bill or make a donation federal law maintains that you received the benefit of the refund and you must report it as income.

You don’t need to attach the Form 1099-G to your federal or state income tax returns. Just keep it for your records. If you use a professional tax preparer, please give the form to your preparer, along with your W-2s and other tax information. If your address on the form is incorrect or you have other questions, please contact the Kentucky Department of Revenue.​​​​​​

Use Tax on Individual Income Tax Return

Kentucky use tax may be due on internet, mail order, or other out-of-state purchases made throughout the year.  Please click here to see if you are required to report Kentucky use tax on your individual income tax return. 

Also see line 27 of Form 740 and the optional use tax table and use tax calculation worksheet in the 740 instructions. The current year Form 740 and 740 instructions can be found on the Forms Page.

Individual Income Tax

Download the Taxpayer Bill of Rights

The Kentucky Department of Revenue conducts work
under the authority of the Finance and Administration Cabinet.

KY State Seal

© Commonwealth of Kentucky. All rights reserved.