Main Content
Business Account Records
Requests for copies of business records must be in writing. Please use the email addresses below.
Individual Income Tax Returns
All requests for copies of income tax returns must be in writing; neither telephone nor email requests will be considered.
To request copies of your own or your client's income tax records, please follow these instructions.
Disclosure Information
Requests for taxpayer information made by someone other than the taxpayer or taxpayer's representative and requests to enter into Exchange of Information Agreements should be submitted to the Department of Revenue's Disclosure and Security Branch.
Relative Content
When to Submit an Open Records Request
Kentucky Revised Statutes §61.870 through §61.884 discuss the procedures for filing and handling an Open Records Request, which records are open for inspection, and which records are exempt from inspection.
Department of Revenue records which are exempt from release to the general public for inspection under the Kentucky Open Records Act include, but are not limited to, all tax records deemed confidential under KRS §131.190. To learn more about this process, please
visit our Open Records Request page.

Requests From the Media
All requests from members of the media - requests for interviews, statements, etc. - should be directed to Kinsey Woodson at