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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Personal Property Assessment and Taxation

All taxable property and all interests in taxable property shall be listed, assessed, and valued as of January 1 of each year unless otherwise specifically provided by law. (KRS 132.220)

Taxable property includes:

  • Equipment
  • Furniture
  • Inventories

The return should include property that has been fully depreciated, in storage or expensed if on hand as of the assessment date of January 1. Each individual, partnership, or corporation that has taxable personal property must file a return Form 62A500 between January 1 and May 15th with their local Property Valuation Administrator (PVA).  See link to PVA Directory at right.  Form 62A500 is not required to be filed for tangible personal property with a sum fair cash value of $1,000 or less per property location.  However, taxpayers must still keep records of property owned.

Returns filed by the due date are assessed by the local PVA.  The tax bills resulting from these returns will be generated and mailed by local officials in the fall of the year.​​

Filing Requirements

There are no extensions for filing of tangible personal property tax forms 62A500. A separate return must be filed for each property location within Kentucky. The return must include the property location by street address and county. A post office box is not acceptable as the property address. The correct form needs to be utilized each year as the index factors change from year to year. Do not send payments with your return. The sheriff in each County mails the tax bills for timely filed returns and returns filed late will be assessed and billed by the Kentucky Department of Revenue.

Late Filings

Any personal property which has not been listed for taxation, for any year in which it is taxable, by the due date of that year shall be deemed omitted property, subject to penalties in accordance with KRS 132.290​ and interest at the tax interest rate as defined in KRS 131.010(6), and KRS 131.183​ from the date when the taxes would have become delinquent had the property been listed as required by law, until the date the tax bill is paid. Returns filed after the due date will be assessed by the Kentucky Department of Revenue, Omitted Personal Property Branch. Returns filed after May 15th should be mailed to Kentucky Department of Revenue, Omitted Tangible Branch, 501 High Street, Station 32, Frankfort, KY 40601.

Having Trouble Downloading Forms?​​

Some users have reported receiving an error message when attempting to open or download Excel files in an Explorer browser. If you should experience this issue, please try using Chrome, Safari or Firefox. If you are still unable to access the form you need, please Contact Us for assistance.​​

Stay Connected!

The Department of Revenue no longer mails reminders to businesses to file their personal property tax returns.  Sign up below for filing and payment reminders to be sent directly to your inbox.  

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All property shall be subject to taxation, unless it is exempted by the Constitution or in the case of personal property unless it is exempted by the Constitution or by statute in accordance with KRS 132.190 and KRS 132.096​. Constitutional exemptions are provided in Section 170.​

Section 170​ - Constitution Exemptions​

  1. Public Property used for Public Purposes
  2. Tangible and intangible property owned by Institutions of Religion and real property owned and occupied by Institutions of Religion
  3. Institutions of Purely Public Charities
  4. Institutions of Education not used or employed for gain by any person or corporation, and the income of which is devoted solely to the cause of education
  5. Public Libraries
  6. Household Goods of a Person Used in His Home
  7. Places of Burial
  8. Crops Grown in Year Made and in Hands of Producer
  9. Homestead Exemptions​
  10. Bonds of State, County, Municipality, other Taxing School District

Organizations exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c) are not automatically exempt from Kentucky property tax and they must complete Form 62A023, Application for Exemption from Property Taxation, to determine if they meet all the qualifications to be exempt from Kentucky property tax.

Amended Returns and Refund Requests

Taxpayers who discover an error was made on their personal property tax returns can file an amended return along with an explanation of why the return is being amended and documentation to support the amended return. Form 62A500 needs to be completed: check the box for Amended Return, attach a copy of the original return along with a copy of the tax bill and proof of payment, if applicable. Attach clear and specific documentation to support the changes being made from the ​original return.

Amended returns resulting in a possible refund should be filed within 2 years from the date of payment in accordance with KRS 134.590 and should be accompanied by a refund request and/or application.

Refund requests should be accompanied by clear and concise documentation to support any changes from the original return filed. Documentation can include but is not limited to fixed asset listings/ depreciation schedules and/or inventory records.

KRS 134.590 (2) No state government agency shall authorize a refund unless each taxpayer individually applies for a refund within two (2) years from the date the taxpayer paid the tax. Each claim or application for a refund shall be in writing and state the specific grounds upon which it is based.

Pursuant to KRS 134.590(6), a taxpayer seeking a refund of taxes paid to a local taxing entity (such as a board of education) must file a refund request with that taxing entity within two years of payment of the taxes, unless the taxpayer has instituted litigation against the local taxing entity. Each claim or application for a refund shall be in writing and state the specific grounds upon which it is based.

See also OAG 83-202 (“KRS 134.590…requires that refund requests be filed with the Department of Revenue and any other taxing district that has received these taxes (city, county, school district, etc.) within two years from the date payment was made.")​


Appeals of personal property assessments are not made to the local board of assessment appeals. Any taxpayer aggrieved by an assessment may protest through the provision of KRS 131.110​. The protest shall be made in writing and shall consist of a statement and supporting evidence setting forth the grounds upon which the protest is made. The statement should also include a complete description of property, the original cost, date of acquisition, and the condition of the property. Any assessment not protested within 60 days from the date of notice of assessment shall be final.​​

Business Property Taxes

  • Fax(502) 564-8192
  • Address

    Kentucky Department of Revenue
    Division of State Valuation
    501 High Street, Station 32
    Frankfort, KY 40601​

  • EmailSend us a message

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