Kentucky Department of Revenue MyTaxes Bulk Filing
The Kentucky Department of Revenue (KDOR) new MyTaxes portal provides the ability to electronically file Kentucky tax forms. Data is transmitted in an xml format
based on schemas.
The MyTaxes portal is used for the bulk filing of the Kentucky Employer's Return of Income Tax Withheld:
Note: The MyTaxes portal bulk filing is not available for individual business taxpayers. Please visit for non-bulk filing business electronic filing options.
Withholding Tax - Bulk Filing through the MyTaxes Portal
Bulk filing enables companies to submit large numbers of filings in a single file. Bulk filing is used primarily by payroll companies to submit employer withholding taxes to the Kentucky Department of Revenue.
Getting Started
Bulk Filers are invited to complete the TY2024 Kentucky Payroll Provider Letter of Intent/Nondisclosure Agreement and e-mail it to KDOR's bulk filing coordinator to get registration started.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that you select the user type of Transmitter as stated in the guide.
The schemas are based on FSET schemas and modified for Kentucky use. The schemas will be included with the onboarding documents provided after the Letter of Intent/Nondisclosure Agreement is received.
A series of tests will need to be submitted to verify the functionality and compatibility of your software with the KDOR Gateway. Provided that the tests are completed and the correct results received, the applicant will be notified that they have been certified for Bulk Filing. Once we process your registration, we will work with you to test your ability to transmit test filings and provide you with testing information.
Miscellaneous Information/Forms
Kentucky New Hire Reporting Form - For additional information see